Saturday, December 8, 2012

The 2 most special and inexpensive gifts I've ever given

If I haven't told you already, let me officially announce to you all that I love giving gifts. It makes me as exciting as receiving one. The whole process of searching, buying, stocking up and wrapping is priceless for me. I usually collect gifts all year round, as soon as I find something great, with someone specific in my mind or just in case. This year, I have planned gifts like always, according to my relatively tight budget. But in addition to traditional gifts, that will hopefully have more meaning and thought than monetary value, I was wishing to make non traditional gifts, including experiences and helping for good causes. And luckily, I randomly came over two great opportunities today.

First I discovered Own a color by Unicef, such a fun, innovative and modern alternative to Own your own star, which was cute at first, but then became kind of cliche. I bought a color for the man of my life. I choose the sunshine yellow and I named it Hopeful Sunshine. The description is publicly displayed and I went with "For the sunshine of my life and for everyone who needs a ray of hope to keep smiling :)". When you check out, you can choose to donate from $1, $5, to $10 or more and you can specifically read what Unicef can do for the children in need with the money you are giving. Thanks God I don't use credit cards that you can use now and pay later, otherwise I'd be put in big debt, buying everyone I know and all my favorite bloggers a color. But a girl can dream, right?

The second unusual gift is something I was looking forward to for a long time. I was hoping to find the right cause to donate to this year, because I live in a country outside EU and procedures are disturbing usually with online payments. While checking Mara's & Danny's blog like usually, I found this heartbreaking story and I knew immediately what I wanted to do, although I wish I could donate much more than that. Our hearts are more touchable this period of the year, our eyes produce tears more easily and somehow everyone is a slightly better person.

I hope I can find more creative, thoughtful and helpful gifts like this and forget about stuff I can gift all year round. Have you ever made or gifted donations or other innovative experiences? I'd love to read all your stories. Enjoy your Saturday and the holidays' spirit :)

| Love, Lisa |


  1. Je nje burim i mirfillte i ideve.
    Pervec pjeses se dhurates, une kenaqem pafund te surpriza qe marin njerezit.

    1. Hahahah po me ben te filloj te mendoj si te fitoj para si burim :P
      Eshte e pacmuar surpriza dhe buzeqeshja ne syte e personit qe hap dhuraten :)

  2. Beautiful post for the Christmas :)) Btw I seldom use credit cards too! Haha.

    1. Marie it takes a lot of self control when you have a card and I just feel secure when I don't have one, easy way :) Have a nice Sunday!

  3. Te te them nje sekret? Ndonjehere te kam zili, per gjithe miresin qe ke brenda vetes dhe qe transmeton edhe ne kete blog. Nje bravo e madhe per ate qe ke bere, sikur te kishte me shume njerez si ty (kjo eshte edhe nje kritike per veten)...Sa i perket dhuratave, edhe ne kete pike nuk eshte se jam aq e mire :( Pavarsisht deshires se mire, me duket sikur nuk di te bej dhurata. E kam shume te veshtire, jam gjithmone me friken a do ti pelqeje apo jo personit, a kam bere zgjedhjen e duhur dhe shkoj te gjerat e sigurta. Kam frike te jem pak me e kreative dhe origjinale. Nese do te beje ndonje post tjeter ne lidhje me kete teme, per dhuratat meqe jemi dhe ne atmosfere tani do te te isha shume mirenjohese :)

    1. Fjalet e tua jane me shume se te bukura e te mira Aulona, me vleresojne dhe me lartesojne sigurisht:) Te falenderoj qe zgjedh gjithmone te me besh kritika pozitive, sepse eshte nje art me vete, sic e ke kuptuar dhe ti nga ndjekeset e blogut tend, shpesh njerezit e kane me te thjeshte te nxjerrin "helm".
      Persa i perket dhuratave, te kuptoj plotesisht qe ndihesh sikur s'mund te besh zgjedhjen e sigurte dhe ke te drejte me kaq shume opsione sa ka ne bote dhe per faktin se njerezit sot kane gjithcka dhe ajo qe ju duhet (shtepi, makine, laptop, iphone) eshte pertej mundesive te tua. Une ne fakt kam nje si dhunti modeste per dhurata kreative. Te ofroj mendimin tim kur te kesh nevoje per ide. Nje tip te vogel qe mund te te jap eshte te fokusohesh tek personi. Nese e njeh mire, eshte edhe me e lehte. Kapu pas dickaje qe i pelqen dhe cdo gje ne lidhje me te nuk do jete e pavend. Nese nuk e njeh, shko me dicka te sigurte ose ose me dicka krejt te pazakonte, te cuditshme ose humoristike :)
      Kam ne plan prej kohesh te vazhdoj me postet e dhuratave, shpresoj t'i postoj se shpejti. Do jete kenaqesi me vete per mua te paren.

      P.s : te kerkova emailin dje sepse doja te te beja nje dhurate simbolike, te te bleja 1 ngjyre roze tek Own your color, por per fat te keq nuk me pranonte me karten. E provova 5 here dhe ma kthen, ndoshta per ceshtje sigurie vjedhjeje, nuk e di, po me erdhi sh inat :(
      Gjithsesi uroj te kesh kaluar denjesisht bukur!


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