Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A little secret about me

While I wanted to make a series of posts the last days about me and little things I do or cannot do, it seemed a bit too much. Who am I to reveal stuff about myself and pretend other people care about it? But reading Joy's post gave me a good idea. If these little things are positive and good, than why not share them? I mean good things never did someone bad, right? Acts of kindness and generosity must happen more and more in this world of individualism and selfishness. I will do my best to write about small true things that I remember doing or willing to do like this first one below. Hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy making others happy and smiley.

[ This afternoon it was raining in my city. We were driving to get a coffee like always. My man had just bought two ice creams for us. As soon as I started enjoying mine, we passed by a guy riding his loaded bicycle, with his head uncovered and probably very wet. I said "Let's give him my ice cream!". But it was too late, we left him behind and if we had slowed down and try to talk to him he wouldn't have stopped (dark and rainy - duh!). I don't know why I felt like that (beside that I am a good person hahaha), all was very sudden and we did not do it eventually. But I wish we did it and he accepted my unwrapped and licked ice cream. You still get my point, I hope. The need to make a small gesture of happiness to a total stranger was enough to make me feel good. Maybe he doesn't like ice creams or he has a sore throat, but who knows, he might have smiled to us and that would mean everything I needed for today. ]

Do you ever feel the urge to help strangers, or surprise them in a way or another? Do you think it is meaningless while people have so many problems we can't solve for them, or is it enough because it fills us with kindness?


  1. Sa postim i bukur! Edhe mua me ndodh shpesh te mendoj se, perse duhet t'u interesoje te tjereve se c'mendoj une, c'vesh une, si ndihem une. Jane ato momentet kur behem pishman qe e kam hapur blogut, se me duket sikur eshte nje vanitet i tepert, sidomos per nje vend si Shqiperia, por pastaj kur e mendoj me thelle, mjafton qe me jep mua kenaqesi, por qofte edhe pak njerezve te tjere dhe them qe ja vlen. Keshtu qe keep going, aq me shume qe personalisht me pelqejne shume gjerat qe shkruan dhe kendveshtrimi qe ke per to :)

    1. Te falenderoj qe me lexon dhe qe vleresove kete postim personal. Ndoshta ka pak vend per intimitet, pozivitet dhe romantizem ne kete qytet te shpejte dhe mosperfilles si Tirana (dhe e gjithe Shqiperia ne fund te fundit) ! You keep going too :)

    2. Lisanaaaa pse nuk puston me shpesh? Me pelqejne shume gjerat qe shkruan, keshtu qe po te "urdheroj" te shkruash sa me shpejt :D :P

    3. Hahaha ke te drejte. Thjesht dua te ruaj pak cilesine dhe kur nuk kam dicka te mire per te postuar, thjesht bej mungesa. Por kur njerezve ju pelqejne ato qe mendoj se ja vlejne te shkruhen e te lexohen, marr shume inspirim. Faleminderit :)

  2. That's so sweet! If I were the stranger, giving me ice cream would totally have made my day! The most I have done was tell someone their tag was sticking out, they have food in their teeth, or they have sunscreen not quite smeared in... But they always seem to be so appreciative!

    1. Thank you so much Leigh for reading and for the sweet words. I wish I did more of the crazy (but always nice) things that pop in my mind. I have understood that little nice gestures like you do are always appreciated, but some others are seem to be more common during holidays. I can't help the need to make others smile or feel good. Keep the good actions going :)

  3. That was so kind ! In fact its all about your thought , he would love the icecream but more he would love your thought ! You're a positive person and i like this


  4. Rea thank you for passing by and thank you for the kind words. Yes, it starts with the nice thoughts. I am sure there are many more of that out there.
    Your blog is fresh and fun :) I followed you.

  5. Just tried to help out today at the express pipicture machine. Strangers USB stick didnt work so i offered mine. Didnt take it, but felt good in a way nevertheless:)

    1. That is so nice of you! Small gestures like this could mean a world to someone, especially during this period of the year, with everyone running to get their things done.


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