Last year we kept things almost classic with solid colors and I experimented a little with glitter (as one would expect). I had fun putting together items I love, not necessarily related to Easter (like the lovely reindeer below) and a few color palettes, along with making my mother crazy with all the glitter spread around the kitchen.
One of my favorite all holidays decoration
Solid color eggs
Happy lantern
One of the two special glitter heart eggs
Pastel eggs with glitter polka dots
Styling pastel eggs
Bright Easter colors
Glitter polka dots eggs
Gold, brown and red Easter palette
Lovely tiny details my mum creates around the house (please don't tell her about that fingerprint)
My favorite plastic flowers
The special egg saved to be thrown in water on January 6th.
Don't tell anyone, but it's still hidden in a closet.
How is Easter looking around your place? Do you pay attention to decorations days before, or only dye your eggs and have family lunches? I love starting to feel every holiday early in the air, because after the food is eaten, the magic goes away quickly. I guess it is much more fun with kids around too. Can't wait to hear about all the activities you do.
Also here is part 1 and part 2 of 10 holiday decorations you all have at home and a cute easy idea for Easter breakfast.
| Love, Lisa |
Te them te drejten nuk e ndjej shume (per te mos thene fare) kete atmosferen e Pashkeve. Besoj se ka te beje fakti qe jam e nje besimi tjeter fetar, keshtu qe edhe kur i kemi festuar Pashket, e kemi bere thjesht sepse eshte nje feste si shume te tjera, por jo qe ta ndjejme vertete. Gjithsesi duhet te filloj te mendoj seriozisht per kete ngjyrosjen e vezeve dhe pergatitjen, pasi duke qene se parteri im eshte ortodoks Pashket e kane festen me te rendesishme te vitit. Vetem do ishte mire mos te ma linte ngjyrosjen ne dore mua se pastaj do merrte si rezultat "veze ylber" :P Te pershendes!
ReplyDeleteNe i festojme te gjitha festat, se jemi gjysme per gjysme. Pjesa kryesore eshte ajo shpirterore e fetare qe fatkeqesisht shume pak e festojne sic duhet. Por eshte dhe pjesa e qejfit, vezet, cokollatat, zbukurimet, lojerat e femijeve. Mendoj se sivjet duhet te organizoni dicka, sado te vogel. Per vezet mos kij merak se mund te blesh te kuqe te gatshme ne supermarket :) Megjithate e bukura tek vezet eshte personalizimi dhe idete e reja qe mund te mendosh cdo vit.
DeleteTe uroj nje fundjave te bukur!
We don't really celebrate Easter in my country.. but it's really lovely to see all these beautiful eggs and celebration from other people's blogs like yours! :)
ReplyDeleteIt is one of the great things blog can offer, sneak peaking into people's lives and celebrations no matter how far they live :) Also, it is great that you are open towards other cultures and beliefs.
DeleteHave a fabulous almost weekend Marie!