Monday, March 4, 2013

10 ways to be happy and inspired on Monday morning

Doesn't that seem like a spam title? Because isn't it unrealistic for most people out there? I have been lucky enough to somehow manage my own schedule and beside some rare days during university, I can't say I hate Monday on its classic meaning. But because I am fully aware of how much you struggle to find the right jump of the week on this day and how much you might luck inspiration, I am sharing some little tips below. They apply to work, school, university and even being a full time mum :). Here are ten ways to be happy and inspired on Monday morning:

1. Never ever forget why you are doing it. Eager for knowledge? Getting independent? Supporting your family financially? Saving for a trip? Love? Faith? Want to be a better person? A rockstar? Maybe you just love it? Whatever the reason might be, always remind yourself why you will be doing what you have to during your Monday (or any day) when your alarm clock rings before you managed to get enough sleep. This is my motivation for sleepless nights :

2. Make the most out of it. If it is work, do your best to absorb skills and rock on what you do. Chances are your life will be easier there if you know how to do your job well. If you attend school, try to listen during classes and explanations, so you save yourself time reading in the evening or before exams, making up time for fun. If you are a mother, don't forget how fast children grow, so try to enjoy every phase of them growing up.

3. Look for something excited inside your routine. The art class you can't wait for after five hours of math? Your nice coworker who you get to chat with during lunch break? The afternoon snack? The quiet time with your husband after you put your children to sleep? It could be anything inside your routine.

4. Look for something after work/school. Having something fun planned after you finish what you don't like that much, keeps you motivated and maybe the time runs faster and smoother.

5. Plan in advance. It helps me tremendously if I have my outfit somehow planned for Monday, my hair freshly washed and an idea of the meals I'll be eating if I spend all day out. Might sound silly, but having some things not stress you out, could lead to a better start of the new week.

6. Something new. While this might sound very materialistic, believe me when I say it is such an efficient mind trick. I feel so excited whether I have a new piece of clothing, an accessory or even a new lipstick or shadow. Fragrance, underwear, umbrella, stationary, notebook could do the trick too. So don't save that new dress for your date night or the weekend sister. You need it on Monday :)

7. Use your time wisely. If you have lots of breaks between classes, keep a book with you to read in a quiet place or out in the sun, instead of having 5 coffees everyday. Keeping your socializing time to once up to three times a week saves money, drama and precious time. If you have the permission to be on the internet during work hours, don't spend it chatting on facebook, complaining about your day or your boss. Don't look at others' pictures from the weekend either, because you will most likely feel miserable about yourself. Instead I'd suggest to check out a few of your favorite blogs and read an online newspaper. If your time and noise level around you permits, why not start developing a hobby? It would be a great chance to finally read all about switching your camera to manual mode, or making candles or learning how to sew. It could be anything, as long as the internet is full of tutorials and stuff. Just a little reminder of how productive I feel when I have a book with me and read a few pages every time I am free:

8. Beautify your space. Personalize your desk. Include items you love (not the whole collection of family pictures though). Add smells and colors you love. Do whatever they allow you to, from adding a vase to painting the walls. The space will instantly feel more yours after the first touches. If you still go to school, choose a bag you love, have pens and tools beautifully designed, a sparkling notebook to your taste and a closet/locker full of helpful and favorite stuff.

9. Evaluate. Sadly enough, our lives are fully packed of missions and to do-s that we hardly ever stop and evaluate our path, count our glories and pat us on the shoulder for doing so great. You need to do this, very often, maybe every Monday. Start by reminded your latest wins, things you have mastered, things you improved, personal or professional achievements and compare yourself to last year and then three years ago. You see so much change and improvement, right? Learning how to change a diaper properly or putting your baby to sleep in less time than last week, counts too. Never let anything go without celebrating and getting inspiration for a rough day and week waiting for you. Because you know you get better at the end of every day. Below is a documentation of my progress during a fashion sketching workshop. To me the achievement is huge, considering how scared I was to start sketching the first day.

10. And always remember that no matter how terrible your job/school/life might look like, our mission is not to make time run faster, but pause every minute we can, to taste and fully live, taking advantage of our limited time into this life. No matter how hard your Monday seems to you, there are always bright things to hold on to :)

| Love, Lisa |


  1. Gjeja e pare qe bera sapo erdha ne zyre kete te hene ishte te lexoja kete post. Me kenaqe :)

    1. Sa me behet qejfi Aulona :) Ky ishte dhe qellimi im. Te uroj nje jave te bukur!

  2. Love this post. Esp point number 9. I'm living in such a busy hectic country (Singapore) and we seldom take time to stop and evaluate on our lives. Great post :)

    1. Thank you Marie! It is interesting to see how this tips apply to different countries, schedules and people. I'm getting excited :)

      May you have a great week!

  3. Nje nder blogjet e mi te preferuar, megjithese sot eshte dita e pare qe po te vizitoj.
    Kemi nevoje dhe per blogje te tjera, jo vetem mode, prandaj komplimente!

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