It is not that I am a big fan of Germany or its people for any particular reason or personal connections, but from my few visits and trips to some cities I have an official announcement to make. When it comes to big holidays, like Easter and Christmas, German people really know how to bring out the festive spirit and decorate. Maybe it is the rustic tone of their ornaments and the fact that it perfectly fits their architecture and wooden interiors. Or it could be the traditional colors they usually choose like red, green and gold. All in all I love seeing every space decorated, every house, big or small and especially hotels. They really know how to make you feel at home with their open spaces, non locked halls and little terraces, where you can sit wherever you want and grab an apple, a cup of tea, read leaflets and treat yourself with small sweets.
I will give you a small glimpse of the hotel atmosphere during my last short visit. It was near the touristic alpine South-East Germany, covered in snow.
The humble and real spirit tree lit with plastic candles at the Nuremberg airport
The view from the room's giant window
Can you guess? The breakfast nook. My favorite place in the world wherever I go.
The fireplace
Special details
How cute are this teddies?
What is your personal experience with the decorating traditions?
Do you think there is a particular country who does it best and why?
I'd love to know more, because as you already are aware of,
I love holidays and festive decorations :)
| Love, Lisa |
Ky hoteli duket sikur u hapka vetem per Krishtlindjet!
ReplyDeleteMendoj qe cdo shtet mundohet te zbukuroj cdo cep per festa, por varet edhe sa imagjinate kane dekoruesit :P
Keto jane festat e mia te para jashte Shqiperise dhe me duket sikur Roma eshte e gjitha nje peme e madhe Krishtlindjesh. Dekoracione gjithe andej, qe nga sheshet e medha e deri te dyqanet me te vegjel.
Hahaha Jona ashtu mendova dhe une kur pashe dhe letren e murit te kombinuar me ngjyrat e festave. Imagjinoj sa gjera te bukura je duke pare dhe mezi pres te shoh fotot ne blogun tend.
DeleteMe vjen keq kur shoh jashte edhe fshatra shume te vogla te zbukuruar me aq sa munden, nderkohe ne Shqiperi ende konsiderohet luks, kur nuk eshte ne te vertete me cmimet qe kemi. Zbukurimet duhet te reflektojne gjendjen tone shpirterore ose te gezojne kur nuk ndihemi dhe aq mire, s'kemi pse rrime si ne zi kur nuk ka fonde per qytetin, kur s'kemi leke per gjel deti ne shtepi apo kur jemi te zene me pune. Pak drita, nje top, nje zemer, nje arush, nje shirit me leter mjafton. Por mendoj qe ka te beje shume dhe tradita, pasi Gjermania e Italia mund te kene shekuj tradite, nderkohe qe ne me historine tone dhe trazirat qe kemi kaluar prej kohesh, s'besoj te kete pasur kund vend per zbukurime festash. Le te bejme sa mundemi avash avash e cdo vit nga pak.
Kalofsh sa me bukur dhe flm qe me ndjek e me shkruan gjithmone :)