Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sweeter Sundays

Yes, I know it is still Saturday in my timezone, but I wanted you to make this Sunday sweeter and post it on time. I assume, we are not the only family whose Sunday main topic is food. Most people use weekends to cook something special or to go out to their favorite place for lunch or even try new restaurants without guilt. It is difficult to drive outside the city and head to the suburbs and countryside because everyone living in the capital seems to be doing the same thing, with one goal : eat good food.

As a twist to this, why not indulge in gastronomy during another time, like brunch, afternoon or dinner? If you ask me, I choose breakfast no matter what. It is my favorite meal of the day and you can eat as much as you want because you have all day ahead to starve, right?! Breakfast is often underestimated, skipped or treated like a "coffee to go" or "apple in the school bag". I get really upset when I want to enjoy a real breakfast meal in my city and the only options I know are omelet, ham and cheese or poor crepes. The only decent place I have tried a different menu is Stephen Center, where I had breakfast twice and it was nice. I am also planning on trying La Voglia soon, after I found out it serves nice European things.  
Feel free to recommend me any nice places that you happen to know

Of course if you don't want to splurge in eating out, you can always prepare a simple delicious meal yourself with  few fresh ingredients and a little fantasy. Get out in your garden, terrace or balcony. Treat your family and yourself to a pleasant time with addition activities like reading the newspaper or magazines, playing a board game, going through plans for the next week and chatting about everything you wish. Your children will embrace a healthy way of starting the day and your partner/friends will appreciate these bonding time. 

What a beautiful Sunday start, right? And you can spend the rest of the day easily preparing for Monday or doing even more fun stuff, that you often can't engage to, after feeling like a balloon after eating a heavy lunch.
Enjoy :)


  1. Si thote populli (dhe doktoret) mengjesin haje si mbret, dreken si princ dhe darken si lypsar :D

    1. Epo i bie qe une dua te jem mbret gjithe jeten time :)

  2. Cdo dite qe kalon dhe cdo post qe lexoj, aq me shume te perbashketa zbuloj me ty :) Qe e vogel mami ma ka dhene mengjesin me "dhune" dhe me ka edukuar qe cdo vakt tjeter mund edhe te lihet por mengjesi kurre. Dhe une tashme prej vitesh nuk dal nga shtepia pa ngrene dicka. Te them te drejten zakonisht preferoj mengjeset e mamit, nderkohe qe si vend te preferuara kam "Francezin" ne bllok dhe "gjermanin" afer shkolles "11 janari".

    1. Je me fat qe ta ka mesuar mami kete rutine. Kurse une ende nuk i kam bindur dot prinderit e mi qe mengjesi eshte i rendesishem per balancen e gjithe dites dhe nuk te shendosh sic pretendon mami. Keshtu qe e kam detyruar vete veten te mos kapercej mengjesin keto vitet e fundit. Faleminderit per sugjerimet:) Gjermani quhet ashtu vertet apo eshte nofke?

    2. Hmmmm ashtu e njohin te gjithe, po te shkruar siper sec ka dicka ne gjermanisht qe une kam dy vjet qe nuk ja fiksoj dot per qamet :P Por eshte shume i njohur te ajo zona e Tiranes se Re, ne krah te "11 Janarit", e njohin te gjithe. Bejne ca sanduice shuuuume te mire aty.

    3. Ok thanks. Do e gjej, do e provoj dhe do te raportoj :)


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