Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas

I would like to wish to everyone of you Merry Christmas! Wherever you are, whoever you might be and whereas you believe in religion or not. Because to me, Christmas is about believing in hope, love, a better self and a better world. To me Christmas is about magic and I think everything can happen. On these holly days, you can see the good in yourself and in others more than ever.

I happen to often think about people that are alone during this time, in illness or difficulties, without their dear ones nearby or simply not feeling like celebrating. I really hope they don't feel lonely, forgotten or hopeless. Actually, I truly believe in magic and I honestly wish I could do something to make everyone feel happy and blessed this time of the year.

Anyone can do something small for a stranger and he can do good to another one and so on. Thus the chain of love and good can be created. And then everyone can truly celebrate Christmas and everything else you celebrate these days. Enjoy your holidays, but don't forget to give away kindness my friends and your hearts will be full.

Merry Christmas from our house to all of you !!

| Love, Lisa |


  1. Gezuar Krishtlindjet e dashur :)
    Nga te gjithe njerezit qe njoh, ti i shijon me shume nga te gjithe festat e fundtvitit.
    Te uroj nje vite te mbare te lumtur dhe te bukur, ashtu si buzeqeshja jote, qe besoj i jep ngrohtesi edhe te panjohrve kur te shikojne.
    Je nje njeri me zemer te bardhe :), lum kush te ka prane.

    1. Jona e vleresoj shume urimin tend dhe fjalet e bukura ndaj meje. Te falenderoj nga zemra sepse je shume e hapur, gojembel dhe asnjehere nuk kursehesh ne fjale te mira e komplimenta. Po duket si konkurs lajkash ky mes komenteve tona, por ne e dime qe jane te verteta :)))
      Gezuar edhe per ty e familjen tende dhe shijoji sa me shume keto dite vertet te vecanta!

      Te perqafoj


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