It's been almost a month since the last time I posted. If you wonder what I have been doing all this time, it can be summed up with two words: "closet organization". No, really, this whole exchanging seasons and outfits has drained my body and brain this year. There were certain nights I couldn't get to sleep because of the stupid "to do" list regarding my bedroom, my closet and my clothes. And in case you are curious, no it's not done yet. And it's getting me really mad. But also, I don't care because this cannot last anymore. So here I am, hopefully to come back again sooner and who knows, maybe I'm done with organizing everything around me before fall and winter come again. Here are some random pictures from spring around here. It's tremendously obvious how the whole mood has changed from my winter's snapshots. Suddenly it's getting more bright, busy and exciting as well. Let's only hope it will not get too hot too soon. Take a peek to what I've been doing (except for the famous C.O.). Ok, I promise I won't mention it again :)
Closer to nature / Spring colorful outfits |
Exploring / Cooking / Eating Xmas chocolate for Easter |
Simultaneously giving and receiving handmade gifts without planning and for no special occassion |
Wearing knits for the few last times / Spotting my favorite spring blooms around the city |
Happily discovering coffee home delivery / Greener nature / Spending time with special people / Trying bright table settings |
Reading many interesting books as part of my master's diploma thesis (I'll share more soon) |
So, what fun things have you been doing to welcome this Spring?
P.s : I can't help but ask. Have any of you got crazy over spring cleaning and closet rearrangement? How have you stayed sane? It has somehow made me believe I cannot get back to my normal life if I don't get everything done the way I want. Stupid, I know, but please don't let me feel like the black sheep amongst you :)
| Love, Lisa |
Nuk je vetem ke shoqe ploooot, shoqe nga ato qe e kane bere planin po skan zbatuar as hapine e pare. Dollapi im eshte nje lemsh i vertet dhe mua me ka zene paniku :(
ReplyDeleteFlm per shoqerimin Jona :)
DeleteNdonjehere me kap ajo faza qe dua te mbyll syte dhe te heq cdo gje pa e menduar 2 here.
Ta shof njehere dollapin e rregulluar, dmth bosh :P
Te uroj fat me organizimin dhe nje fundjave te bukur!
Hahahahahhahahaha o Lisa sa kam qeshur me kete post. Nuk mund ta besoj dot qe te duhet nje muaj per te bere organizimin dhe sistemimin e dollapeve. WTF??? (Me fal eeee :D) Maksimumi qe mund te me marre mua si kohe eshte nje jave (me mik :P), prandaj dhe e kam marre shume shtruar dhe akoma s'kam filuar me sistemimin sic duhet. Kam nxjerre vetem disa gjera tek tuk, por kaq.
ReplyDeleteNderkohe dua te theksoj edhe faktin qe me ka pelqyer shume posti kete here, menyra si i ke vendosur fotot dhe mbi te gjitha fakti qe ke postuar pjese nga jeta jote. Nese do ta beje me shpesh kete per mua do te ishte shume kenaqesi. :)
Te pershendes dhe ishalla deri ne shtator e ke mbaruar organizimin hahahaha :P
Hahahahah me bere dhe mua te qesh dhe te harroj stresin qe kalova, Ne fakt kam hequr dore qe pasi postova kete dhe kujtohem vetem tek tuk ndonjehere kur hap ndonje pjese te dollapit por e harroj shpejt. Tani seriozisht, pervec ekzagjerimit, eshte pjesa e stresit dhe e mendimit dhe planifikimit qe te acaron me shume dhe te duket proces qe s'ka fund. Pastaj kur deshiron qe cdo gje te jete perfekte dhe minimale (kur nderkohe mban rroba qe nga klasa e tete) normal qe has ne veshtiresi praktike :)
DeleteMe behet qejfi qe te pelqeu posti, do e perseris me kenaqesi kete format sepse edhe mua me pelqen kur e shoh tek ty e tek te tjere.
Te uroj nje jave te bukur!
si gjithmone, origjinale dhe interesante! :-)
ReplyDeleteTe falenderoj Armando!